Extraordinary You

Gizmo was elected president of the League of Extraordinary Gentlebots—but to fit in, he’s acting like someone else! Miss Tina tells the Bible story of how a young shepherd boy named David defeated a giant who mocked God. Instead of fighting like King Saul would—with fancy armor and a big sword—David chose to fight the way a shepherd would. He trusted God to use him just as he was! Children learn the importance of being yourself—and who God made you to be.

Lesson 1
Miss Tina and Gizmo are excited because dress-up day is finally here! Miss Tina does her best robot imitation and Pirate Captain Gizmo stands by with his parrot. But everything changes when Gizmo receives a call from the Prestigious Order of Super-Excellent Robots, also known as P.O.S.E.R., and he has just been made president! Will President Gizmo stay true to himself, or will he change into someone else?
In the Bible story, David prepares to battle the giant, Goliath. King Saul tries to convince David to wear his royal armor, but David wants to be himself and trust in God. Children will learn that God wants us to be who He made us to be—one of a kind and special!
Verse to GO! “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139:14 (NKJV

Lesson 2
The Once and Future Bot
In the Bible story, a young shepherd boy trusts who God made him to be and faces a giant all by himself!
Outside Quantum Castle, two brave knights named Sir Rigsaton and Sir Gizamedes are served by Gearalot, their faithful squirebot. The problem is, Gearsalot secretly wishes he was a super cool knight and not a squire.
Verse to GO! “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139:14 (NKJV)

Lesson 3
Being Yourself
It’s dress-up day at Quantum Labs! See why Gizmo changes his mind about his favorite things when he suddenly becomes president of a club.
Verse to GO! “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139:14 (NKJV)

Lesson 4
A Child of God
David wasn’t a soldier like his older brothers, but he bravely faced a bear, lion, and even a giant because He trusted God and who He was made to be.
Children will learn the importance of being themselves and how it relates to being a child of God when we receive His free gift of salvation.
Verse to GO! “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139:14 (NKJV)