The Tale of Two Widgets

Widget’s favorite author G.E. Wellington is visiting Quantum Labs, and it looks like she left her tablet backstage! Widget is tempted to sneak a peek at the next installment of The Woodwind Chronicles before it’s released—but can she learn a lesson in self-control?

Lesson 1
A Lesson in Self-Control
G.E. Wellington, the world-famous author of the Woodwind Chronicles, is visiting Quantum Labs, and Widget is her biggest fan! Then the little robot finds a tablet that may contain the author’s next book in the series. Should Widget give in to temptation and read it—or not?
Miss Tina provides the answer to Widget’s dilemma in a Bible story about Daniel and his three friends who use self-control to obey God.
Verse to GO! “Better to be patient than powerful; better to have self-control than to conquer a city.” Proverbs 16:32 (NLT)

Lesson 2
Work 2gether the Sequel
Daniel and his three friends. The four men chose to obey God’s law even when it meant defying the king’s order. In Rig’s workout room, Gears is enjoying his time with his new friend Rodney, but is his friendship causing problems with his other friends?
Verse to GO! “Better to be patient than powerful; better to have self-control than to conquer a city.” Proverbs 16:32 (NLT)

Lesson 3
Piece(s) of Cake
Daniel was filled with God’s wisdom and proposed a test to eat and drink according to God’s law. After the test, the king found Daniel and his friends to be healthier and wiser than anyone in his kingdom.
In the Quantum Lab’s kitchen, Rig has made a delicious chocolate cake—so delicious that Rig gives in to temptation and eats the entire cake by himself! Now Rig must endure the immobilizing effects of what every robot dreads— “sludgy oil.” Children will learn the importance of self-control—to resist temptation and do what you know is right.
Verse to GO! “Better to be patient than powerful; better to have self-control than to conquer a city.” Proverbs 16:32 (NLT)

Lesson 4
Gears’ Big Idea
Daniel and his friends showed self-control to obey God’s Law. In this lesson we learn how Daniel continued his pattern of prayer even when doing so meant being thrown into a den of lions.
At Quantum Labs, Gizmo suddenly blurts out words that hurt Gear’s feelings. Was this a glitch in his circuits or did he really feel this way? Children learn the importance of self-control—to resist temptation and do what you know is right, especially with our words.
Verse to GO! “The Lord … protects those who trust him in times of trouble.” Nahum 1:7 (CEV)

Lesson 5
A Smudge Ugly
Daniel and his friends used self-control as they served the king while exiled in Babylon. In this lesson, we will learn how God protected Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego when they were in a fiery furnace after they chose to worship God instead of the king’s gold statue.
At Quantum Labs, Widget loses her temper while trying to clean the window in her bedroom loft. In this lesson, children learn the importance of self-control—to resist temptation and do what you know is right, especially when dealing with emotions and feelings. Emotions can be defined to young children as what you feel on the inside.
Verse to GO! “The Lord … protects those who trust him in times of trouble.” Nahum 1:7 (CEV)